Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wish They'd Cut It Short

Welcome Back to The Pixie Revolution,

Before I decided to make this blog, I already had a decent collection of pictures  saved of short hairstyles for women.
It was looking through them one day that an idea came to me.
One random picture of a funky short hairstyle that I found somewhere reminded me of actress Kaley Cuoco.
You might know her as Penny on the hit tv show The Big Bang Theory.
This random picture of a woman who looked very much like Kaley Cuoco but had short hair inspired me to come with a great idea that I knew if I ever started a blog I would use.

 Over the years I've seen so many photoshopped pictures of female celebrities with short hair.
Some were ok, but even with some of the greatest photoshopped technology available, alot of the pics's left me unimpressed. Some had weird necks where long hair was photoshopped out. Some had angled bob's that defied gravity by just stopping dead in it's track with no shape.  Some were prophetic showing pics of Britney Spears with a buzzcut, another with America Idol contestant Katherine McPhee with an angled bob ( this one was actually pretty good) All in all they were ok, but you could still tell they were photoshopped.
Then one day I came across this picture of a woman who looked like Kaley Cuoco with short hair, and the idea came to me, what if I just find pics of women and if they happen to look like someone famous feature the celebrity and show a pic of their non famous lookalike with short hair.
Kinda take it back to basics.
Since that time I've found a few pictures that look like celebrities, and hope to feature them in future  post.

On to Kaley Cuoco...
Kaley Cuoco is one of the stars of the immensely popular TV show The Big Bang Theory.
In the first season Kaley had stick straight  hair slightly past her shoulders with bangs.
See Below:

                                         I know hard to pay attention to the hair in this pic!

 That's been the shortest I've seen her hair. There are a couple of pictures out there with Kaley on The David Letterman show with what appears to be wavy hair which looks like it could be slightly above shoulder length. There's no doubt about it Kaley is an incredibly attractive woman. She's been featured in Maxim Magazine and done numerous photo shoots.
Of course I've always wondered what she'd look like with shorter hair.
I could definetly see her with a bob haircut. I could also see her with an angled bob like Jenny McCarthy had a few years ago. And after seeing the picture of a lookalike of hers I could definetly see her with a pixie, and something with buzzed sides and long bangs.
I'm not sure if Kaley would ever have short hair. Ive never seen her with short hair, and to be honest she seems to be the type of girl who I dont think would wear her hair short, but who knows maybe she'll surprise us some day.
So until then one can dream I suppose.
Here is a collection of Kaley Cuoco pictures and the picture of a lookalike with a striking sidebuzzed gelled up pixie that inspired this post. Also are several pics of some women who resemble Kaley and have short hair too. and a few pics of cuts I could see her in.
Take a good look at all of them and then let me know if you could picture Kaley Cuoco with short hair.
Is she someone you'd like to see with short hair?
Is she someone who you wish they'd cut it short?

                                                           Kaley Cuoco

                                              Below: Kaley Cuoco lookalike

                                                  The Real Kaley would look awesome with this cut !!!

                                    Below: some more Kaley Cuoco pictures for comparison

Pics of cuts I could see Kaley Cuoco with:

Have a celebrity who you'd like to nominate for
 " Wish They'd Cut It Short"?  Leave a comment or e-mail and we'll be sure to feature it in an upcoming edition.


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